Opening hours

Tuesday - Friday
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Western Standard Time

Call today: 0422 021 149

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Are you worried because your memory isn’t very good and you are feeling a bit vague?

Is someone you care about too forgetful?

Have you been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or got Alzheimer’s in your family?

Book an appointment

Alfiah Blond – Naturopath

To address your concerns Alfiah Blond at Sparky Brain will:

Ask you about your brain health and any other health concern

Test your brain function or reassess your brain function

Order lab testing to find out which results need shifting into optimal functional range

Advise you on diet, sleep, exercise and supplements then retest your brain function

Frequently asked questions

Your questions about our services and Naturopathy answered.

Is there anything I can do without supplements? 2018-02-01T16:24:37+00:00

Sparky Brain will recommend relevant changes to your diet, exercise and sleep.

I am working full-time, are there after-hours appointments? 2018-03-12T15:48:37+00:00

Yes, early morning appointments are available on request from 7.45am weekdays.

What are your office hours? 2018-03-22T10:26:45+00:00

Our office operates from 8:30am to 5pm, Tuesday to Friday.

What is the Bredesen Protocol? 2018-02-01T16:12:04+00:00

Dr Dale E Bredesen has researched the process of brain degeneration for 28 years and found that in the case of Alzheimer’s it is a balance between as many as 36 factors that help build up brain connections or break them down – and hence lose nerve cells. Loss of nerve cells means loss of memory and loss of ability. Sparky Brain will determine the most relevant factors for you to address. For example, vitamin D, estradiol, heavy metals, testosterone, vitamin Bs, omega3:omega6 ratio, exercise, more sleep etc.

What will I have to pay? 2018-02-01T16:13:38+00:00

You will have to pay consultation fees, however, Sparky Brain has provider numbers for most health funds including HBF, Medibank Private and BUPA. You will also have to pay for some lab costs and for supplements.

Do I have to pay for a programme up front? 2018-02-01T16:15:57+00:00

After your initial consultation, you have the option to pay for a programme of repeat visits and reduced supplements costs which will cut your total cost or you can pay per visit.

Let us help you

Book an appointment